A 41-year-old man ingested one tablet of sustained-release nifedipine 20 mg once daily for hypertension. One week later, the man developed hyposmia, which was aggravated gradually. Three months later, his dosage of nifedipine was changed to 20 mg twice daily. Meanwhile, enalapril and earvedilol were added to his regimen. He developed a complete loss of olfaction on day 3 after receiving the dosage regimen. An examination of nasal cavity showed nasal mucosa congestion and both inferior turbinate hypertrophy. Obstructive anosmia was suspected. His olfaetion returned to normal status on day 6 after discontinuation of sustained- release nifedipine tablets. The other antihypertensive drugs were continued. The olfactory disturbance did not reappear.
Adverse Drug Reactions Journal