

Minimally invasive tension-free inguinal hernia herniorrhaphy
摘要 目的探讨微创化手术方式治疗腹股沟疝。方法2004年7月至2006年10月,采用无张力疝修补手术284例,随机分组,152例采用微创化无张力疝修补手术,132例采用常规无张力疝修补手术。结果微创化手术组术后平均住院日2.26d,平均费用4528元,无伤口感染,无尿潴留,当天下床活动,1例阴囊血肿,1例复发;常规手术组术后平均住院日7.57 d,平均费用5734元,1例切口感染,常规卧床3 d,8例阴囊血肿,3例复发,均需导尿。结论微创化无张力疝修补手术组各项临床指标均优于常规无张力疝修补手术组,微创化无张力疝修补手术是一种可行的专业化腹股沟疝修补手术。 Objective To evaluate minimally invasive operation for the treatment of inguinal hernia. Methods From July 2004 to October 2006, 284 patients were treated by tension-free herniorrhaphy were randomly divided into minimally invasive operation group (n = 152 ) and routine operation group (n = 132 ). Results The mean postoperative hospital stay was 2.5 days, and the mean charge was 4528 yuan in minimally invasive operation group. Postoperative follow-up was satisfactory in 152 cases with no incisional infection and urine retention. Hematoma of scrotum was occurred in one case. In routine operation group, the mean postoperative hospital stay and the mean charge were 6.5 days,5734 yuan, respectively. All patients stayed in bed routinely 3 days. Hematoma of scrotum was occurred in eight cases. The three cases recurrence (2.2%) has been detected. Conclusion The clinical data in minimally invasive operation group were better than that of in routine operation group. So, we think that the minimally invasive tension-free hernioplasty was a feasible specialize operation of inguinal hernia.
出处 《中华疝和腹壁外科杂志(电子版)》 2007年第1期41-44,共4页 Chinese Journal of Hernia and Abdominal Wall Surgery(Electronic Edition)
关键词 腹股沟 外科手术 微刨化 无张力修补术 局麻 Hernia, inguinal Surgical procedures, mini mally invasive Tension-free herniorrhaphy Local anesthesia
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