Objective To study the GP Ⅱb/Ⅲ a gene mutations of eight glanzmann thrombasthenia (GT) pedigrees. Methods Responses of eight probands to different agonists were observed by platelet aggregation test and the amount of αⅡb and β3 was determined by flow cytometry. All the exons of Ⅱb and Ⅲa genes were amplified by PCR followed by sequencing for mutational screening. Further analysis of the normal population excluded the possibility of mutational sites as a polymorphism. Results Eight probands showed normal PLT counts, dispersion of the platelet particles without aggregation, prolonged bleeding time and severely reduced platelet aggregation in response to the physiological agonists ADP, epinephrine, and collagen, but relatively normal aggregation of PLT in response to ristocetin. Flow cytometry showed that all probands were Ⅰ type GT, except that proband 2 was Ⅲ type GT and proband 6 was Ⅱ type GT. The sequencing results showed that twelve different types mutations were present in eight probands, including G10A, G1412T, Gl199A, 1525delC, G2223T, C2671T, 2930delG, IVS15 (- 1 ) delG, A2334C, C1750T, 69-79del and C470A. We were not able to detected any mutations in GP Ⅱb/Ⅲa gene on proband 3. Conclusions GT is mainly caused by GP Ⅱb/Ⅲa gene mutations. G10A, 69-79del, G1412T, G2223T, C2671T and 1525delc were the novel mutations causing GT.
Chinese Journal of Laboratory Medicine