Due to the facts of bio-methylation and bio-magnification/accumulation of mercury, mercury in cultured creatures has been considered to be the main source of methylmercury in human being. Sandu Bay, located at the northeastern coast of Fujian Province, has an area of 15 thousand hm2 for various marine cultures and provides 225 000 t products each year. To assess the health risk of methylmercury, 9 seawater samples, 11 surface sediment samples, 31 cultured fish samples and 4 cultured shellfish samples were collected from Sandu Bay in 2004. The analysis of total mercury in the samples was carried out with atomic fluorescence spectrophotometric method, and the mercury pollution level at Sandu Bay and the health risk were assessed. Total mercury contents in seawater, sediment, cultured shellfish and fish samples ranged from 0.015μg/L to 0.046 μg/L, 0.055 mg/kg to 0.113 mg/kg, 0.004 mg/kg to 0.011 mg/kg, and 0.012 mg/kg to 0.084 mg/kg, respectively; and the values were (0.027±0.009) μg/L, (0.074±0.013) mg/kg, (0.008±0.005) mg/kg and (0.032±0.006) mg/kg, respectively. These results were comparable with those of other research on Fujian coastal areas in 20 years. The averaged total mercury concentration in cultured fish and shellfish has been about 0.05 mg/kg for 30 years, corresponding to that of in seawater and sediments. Compared with the data of total mercury concentration in fish and shellfish released recently by USA and Japan, the concentration in oyster of Sandu Bay was closed to that in Pacific oyster of Japan and in oyster of USA. However, the highest concentration (0.01 lmg/kg) found in oyster of Sandu Bay was much lower than that found in Japan (0.250 mg/kg) and USA (0.130 mg/kg). The averaged and the highest concentrations in Large Yellow Croaker (Pseudosciaena crocea) (0.026 mg/kg and 0.084 mg/kg, respectively) and Slate Cod Croaker (Nibea miichthioides) (0.036 mg/kg and 0.053 mg/kg, respectively) of Sandu Bay, were much lower than those found in Croaker Atlantic (0.072 mg/kg and 0.148 mg/kg, respectively) of USA. The averaged concentration in Weever (Lateolabrasjaponicus) (0.056 mg/kg) of Sandu Bay was lower than that in Japanese Sea Bass Perch (0.100 mg/kg) and US Sheepshead (0.128 mg/kg). The highest concentrations of Japanese Sea Bass Perch and US Sheepshead, 0.510 mg/kg and 0.625 mg/kg, respectively, were 6 to 8 times higher than that (0.075 mg/kg) in Sandu Bay. Total mercury in the seawater, sediment and shellfish samples of Samdu Bay met the national environmental quality criteria. Mercury in the cultured fish and shellfish was below the limits of aquatic products regulated by China, WHO and EU. Taking 100 g/(person'day) as the possible up- take amount of total mercury from fish and shellfish of Sandu Bay for estimation, it is only 8.4 % and 2.9 % of what suggested by JECFA, respectively. The possible up-take amount of methylmercury from fish and shellfish of Sandu Bay would be only 26.4% and 9.0% of PTWI, and 60.3% and 20.6% of RfD value by US EPA, respectively. The health risk arising from the exposure to mercury due to the consumption of aquatic products of Sandu Bay was small. [ Journal of Fishery Sciences of China, 2008, 15 (6) : 961-969]
Journal of Fishery Sciences of China
methylmercury: cultured species
Sandu Bay
Fujian Province
health risk assessment