
隔油池在常减压装置的应用 被引量:1

Application of Oil Separator to Crude Distillation Unit
摘要 介绍隔油池的结构及原理,论述了它在胜利炼油厂南常减压装置的应用,指出其问题及改进措施. The article introduced construction and principle of the oil separator,and its application in south crude distillation unit of Shengli Refinery. Its problems and improvement measure were provided.
出处 《石油化工环境保护》 1997年第3期21-22,共2页 Environment Protection in Petrochemical Industry
关键词 废水处理 隔油池 常减压装置 炼油厂 Oil separator,Crude distillation unit,Principle,Improvement measure
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