目的比较健康老年人和青壮年人血清胱抑素C和肌酐水平,观察影响老年人血清胱抑素C的各种因素。方法随机选择了来院健康查体的100例61-102岁老年和80例20-59岁的青壮年健康男性检测血清胱抑素C和肌酐浓度,并详细询问他们的既往病史。结果血清胱抑素C、肌酐浓度以及合并高血压病和糖尿病等疾病的例数在老年组和青壮年组,分别是1.23 mg/L和0.85 mg/L,1.13 mg/d l和0.91 mg/d l,46例和15例,16例和4例,两组的差异有统计学意义;老年组中,血清胱抑素C与年龄和肌酐呈正相关,相关系数分别为0.468和0.450,均P〈0.01;60~69岁年龄组、70~79岁年龄组和80岁以上年龄组胱抑素C分别是1.08 mg/L、1.18 mg/L和1.37 mg/L,三组两两比较均差异有统计学意义;血清肌酐分别是1.07 mg/d l,1.11 mg/d l和1.17 mg/d l,3组间两两比较差异无统计学意义;将血清胱抑素C作为因变量,年龄、体质量、血清肌酐、吸烟以及糖尿病、高血压和冠心病作为自变量,回归分析显示影响血清胱抑素C的独立危险因素是血清肌酐和年龄,P值分别是0.001和0.038。结论≤60岁男性随着年龄的增加,肾功能逐渐下降,血清肌酐和胱抑素C增加;〉60岁男性血清胱抑素C随着年龄的增加而增高,血清胱抑素C浓度可反应老年健康查体者早期肾功能损伤,血清肌酐无上述变化。
Objective Compare the concentrations of serum cystatin C between elderly people and young people and investigate the factors influencing serum cystatin C of elderly people. Materials and methods One hundreds health elderly people ( aged from 61 to 102 years old) and 80 young people( aged from 20 to 59 years old) were recruited into this study. Serum cystatin C and creatinine were detected and past medical history of these people were carefully recorded at the same time. Results Serum cystatin C, creatinine and the ratio of complicated with hy- pertension, chronic coronary heart disease and diabetic mellius of health elderly people were much higer than those of young people; In elderly group, serum cystatin C positively correlated to serum creatinine and age. Serum cystatin C were significantly different among these three groups respectively( above 80 years old group,70-79 years old and 60- 69 years old group). But serum creatine was not different among these three groups. Regression analysis showed the dependant factors influencing cystatin C was serum creatinine and age. Conclusions In elderly people, serum cystatin C were positively correlated creatinine and age. Serum cystatin could reflect the early and slight injure of renal function in health elderly people.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Healthcare