
改性粉煤灰的制备及性能研究 被引量:3

Preparation of Improved Pulverized Coal Ash and its Performance Study
摘要 在高钙粉煤灰中加入强碱液制备了改性粉煤灰,测定结果表明,改性后粉煤灰的堆积密度、比表面积、颗粒形貌等明显优于改性前。改性后粉煤灰的孔隙发达,吸附性能显著提高,对废水中Pb^(2+)的去除率达99.99%。同时对金属阳离子具有很强的吸附能力,可在吸附酸性气体及处理酸性废水等方面进一步探索。 Strong soda lye was added into high calcium pulverized coal ash to prepare improved pulverized coal ash, the result from measurement shows that the bulk density, specific surface area, granulation appearance of pulverized coal ash after improvement were substantially better than that of coal ash before improvement. After improvement, the bore diameter is increased, the adsorption capability was also obviously improved, with it the removal efficiency can be reached to 99.99%. Meanwhile it al. so has very strong adsorption capability to metal cations, the capacity of improved pulverized coal ash which would be used for adsorption of sour gas and treatment of acidic waste water can be further stud ied.
作者 叶生梅
出处 《燃料与化工》 2008年第6期1-3,共3页 Fuel & Chemical Processes
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50374001)
关键词 粉煤灰 改性 吸附性能 Pulverized coal ash Property improvement Adsorption performance
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