这次水土保持工作会议很重要.召开这次会议的目的,主要是总结工作,交流经验,进一步统一思想认识,研究如何加大水土保持工作力度,认真落实国务院批准的《全国水土保持规划纲要》确定的“九五”水土流失防治任务,为实施可持续发展战略作出新的贡献.国务院对这次会议非常重视.李鹏总理专门向会议发来贺信,对搞好水土保持工作作了重要指示,为我们开好这次会议指明了方向.希望大家认真学习,贯彻落实.1 正确估价我国水土保持的巨大成就。
In the Sixth National Soil and Water Conservation Conference held in April 1997, Vice premier Jiang Chunyun pointed out that great achievements have been made in soil and water conservation during the past more than 40 years, comprehensively harnessing 700000 km2, among which 11. 3 million hm2 is put under control by building terraced fields, check dams and other utilization measures, planting trees in an accumulated area of 40 million hm2, growing grass 4 million hm2. These soil conservation facilities play an important role in improving agricultural conditions, promoting agricultural development, reducing sediment into rivers and reservoirs, and in improving ecological environment. At the same time, it should be noticed that soil conservation situation is still severe: soil loss area increased from 1. 5 million km2 to 1. 8 million km2; deserted land increases 2460 km2 annually.
Soil and Water Conservation in China
comprehensive harnessing regional economy ecological environment sustainable development evaluation