
治理荒漠 保持水土 加快生态农业建设步伐

Harnessing Desert and Conserving Soil and Water to Promote Ecological Agriculture Construction
摘要 榆林地区位于陕西省北部,毛乌素沙漠南缘.全区12个县(市),总人口321万,农业人口283万,总土地面积4.36万km^2.榆林地区以长城为界分为两大地貌单元,北部为风沙草滩区,占42%;南部为黄土丘陵沟壑区,占58%,属干旱半干旱大陆性季风气候,年平均降水量399mm.区情特点是:经济相对落后,是国家重点扶持的贫困地区;资源极为丰富,是国家重点开发、可持续利用的能源重化工基地;生态环境脆弱,是全国水土保持、防沙治沙的重点地区. The total land area in Yulin Prefecture is 43.6 thousand km , the north part is sand and grass region, covering 42 % of the total land area; the south part is gullied and rolling loess region, covering 58% of the total land area. The eco-environment is fragile, the prefecture is the key area of national soil and water conservation and also the key desert control area. To improve the adverse eco-environment, Yulin Prefecture laid out the developing strategy ?harnessing sand in the north and controlling soil loss in the south. Through 40 years of continuous effort, obvious economic, ecological and social benefits have been gained. By the end of 1996, 20.2 thousand km2 of soil loss area had been put into control, the preserved forestation area had reached 1330 thousand ha, 20 thousand key gully control dams had been built, serious soil loss had been put into preliminary control; in sandy area, preserved forestation area had reached more than 900 thousand ha, in total 573 thousand ha of movable sand land, 400 thousand ha had been stabled; basic farmland mainly including irrigated land had reached 391 thousand ha, average annual grain output was stabled about 400 kg, the masses were basically extricated from the difficult position of eating 'resold grain'; forest coverage increased from 1.8% in the early period after the founding of People' s Republic of China to 30.5% , and reached 38.9% in sand area, annual sediment entering the Yellow River reduced by more than a half, the ecological environment turned into benign cycle.
出处 《中国水土保持》 1997年第10期25-28,共4页 Soil and Water Conservation in China
关键词 生态农业 水土保持 荒漠治理 desertafication desert control soil and water conservation ecological agriculture Yulin Prefecture
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