

Relationship between waist-height ratio and blood pressure in military recuperators
摘要 目的研究军队疗养员腰身指数与血压的关系。方法采用"中国成人超重与肥胖指南"制定的方法测量腰围、身高,并计算腰身指数;分别比较军队疗养员老、中、青三组人群中,腰身指数≥0.5和<0.5两组之间的血压差异。结果军队疗养员中、青年组人群,腰身指数≥0.5和<0.5两组之间,收缩压、舒张压、脉压差均有非常显著性差异(均P<0.01);而老年组人群均无显著性差异(SBPP=0.34,DBPP=0.11,脉压差P=0.78)。结论中青年人群腰身指数≥0.5组的收缩压、舒张压、脉压差均较腰身指数<0.5组高,腰身指数是预测中、青年高血压危险的有效指标之一。 Objective To investigate the relationship between waist-height ratio and blood pressure in military recuperators. Methods The waist and the height were measured with the methods described in"Chinese Adults Overweight and Obesity Guide"and the waist-height ratio was calculated. The systolic, diastolic and pulse pressure were compared between the waist-height ratio ≥ 0.5 and 〈 0.5 groups respectively in old, middie-aged and young groups. Results There were significant differences in the systolic, diastolic and pulse pressure between the waist-height ratio ≥ 0.5 and 〈0.5 groups in the middle-aged and young groups (P〈0.01) while There were no significant difference(SBP P=0.34, DBP P=0.11, pulse pressure P=0.78).Conclusion The systolic, diastolic and pulse pressure are higher in the waist-height ratio ≥0.5 group than in the waist-height ratio 〈0.5 group in the middle-aged and young groups. The waist-height ratio is one of effective indexes for prediction of high blood pressure in the middle-aged and young population.
出处 《中国疗养医学》 2008年第12期708-710,共3页 Chinese Journal of Convalescent Medicine
关键词 军队疗养员 腰身指数 腹型肥胖 血压 Military recuperator Waist-height ratio Centripetal obesity Blood pressure
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