装配式整体预应力板柱结构是采用预制的钢筋混凝土楼板和柱作为主要的受力构件,通过整体张拉预应力钢筋而形成的板柱结构体系。在介绍装配式整体预应力板柱结构的构造和受力特点的基础上,结合目前较为流行的住宅建筑布置特点,运用通用分析软件SATWE,以单位建筑面积的结构混凝土用量作为经济指标,进行了装配式整体预应力板柱结构住宅建筑合理高度和跨度的理论分析后得出结论:7.8 m的跨度柱截面为600 mm×600 mm时的30.8 m的高度是比较合理的;高度为44.8 m柱截面为800 mm×800 mm时的9.0 m跨度是相对合理的。
Slab-column structure assembled by monolithic prestressing is a type of structure system in which prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs and columns are main members bearing load. The structure feature and mechanical properties of slab-column structure assembled by monolithic prestressing are introduced. Considering the amount of structure concrete of a unit construction area as economic indicator and taking into account the popular residential building style, the reasonable height and span of column-slab residential building assembled by monolithic prestressing are theoretically analysized with the help of SATWE software. Results show that the height of 30.8 m is relatively reasonable when its span is 7.8 m and sectional dimension of the column is 600 mm x600 ram;the span of 9.0 m is relatively reasonable when its height is 44.8 m and sectional dimension of the column is 800 mm × 800 mm.
Structural Engineers
monolithic prestressing, slab-column structure, residential building, height and span