
女性遭受家庭暴力的原因分析及心理治疗 被引量:8

The Consequences,Psychological Intervention and Prevention of Domestic Violence Against Women
摘要 家庭暴力是世界范围内危害大众心理健康的社会问题,并且大多数的家庭暴力是由男性配偶向女性配偶施暴,家庭暴力会导致女性受害者在医学、行为和心理三方面出现不良后果,大量的研究表明女性遭受家庭暴力与所处的文化标准、女性自身的一些特征、男性施暴者的个性特征、行为和早期经历有关,研究表明对女性受害人进行心理治疗和干预是十分有用的,这些方法包括心理动力学治疗方法、认知行为疗法、催眠疗法、药物疗法等。尽管这些疗法的理论倾向或技术不同,但是它们都遵循以相同的原则。家庭暴力的预防要从以下三方面做起:(1)减少社会对妇女的歧视;(2)及早发现家庭暴力事件;(3)通过使用个人、家庭和团体心理治疗可以有效地缓解家庭暴力对受害人所造成的长期不良影响。 Domestic violence is a social problem that impairs public psychological health throughout the world, and the vast majority of domestic violence is perpetrated by men against women partners. Domestic violence against women will lead to negative medical, behavioural,and psychological consequences. Domestic violence relates to cultural standards, female victimes' characteristics and male offenders' personality characteristics, behaviours and preliminary experience. Many studies showed that psychological intervention and prevention will be useful for female victims. These methods include dynamic therapy, cognitivebehavioural therapy, hypnotherapy, medical therapy and so on. Although these therapies have different theoretical inclinations or technologies, they share same principles. Domestic violence should he prevented by reducing discrimination against women, finding quickly domestic violence and using some psychological therapies to alleviate long-term negative impacts on domestic violence victims.
作者 肖凌燕
出处 《西北农林科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2008年第6期132-135,共4页 Journal of Northwest A&F University(Social Science Edition)
关键词 家庭暴力 心理治疗干预 女性 心理健康 domestic violence consequences reason psychological intervention and prevention
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