
词频对中国大学英语学习者词汇习得的影响 被引量:6

The Effects of Frequency on Vocabulary Acquisition
摘要 本文通过10个生造词为目标词,从接受和产出两个角度,研究不同的词汇复现频率对词汇的正字法、联想、语法功能句法和意义五个方面习得的影响。150名非英语专业大学生被分为五个组(一个为控制组),在分别进行1次,4次,8次,及10次单词的重复阅读任务之后参加了10个无差别的词汇测试。结果显示词汇重复会影响学习者对词汇知识习得,对词汇的全面掌握需要10次以上的重复。 This paper,with ten target words,investigates how word frequency affects Chinese EFL learners' productive and receptive incidental vocabulary acquisition from five aspects: orthography, association, grammatical functions,syntax and meaning. 150 college students are divided into 5 groups(one control group) and, after reading short sentences of 10 words(1,4,8, 10 encounters), participate 10 identical tests. The results show that frequency influences vocabulary acquisition. To develop full knowledge of a word more than 10 encounters may be needed.
作者 李慧 张一平
出处 《兰州交通大学学报》 CAS 2008年第5期109-113,共5页 Journal of Lanzhou Jiaotong University
关键词 词汇附带习得 词频 语境 incidental vocabulary acquisition word exposure frequency context
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