4Edwin A Verrnulst,Antidumping Law and Practice in the United States and the EuropeaIl Communities:A Comparative Analysis,E1sevier Science Publisher8 B V.,1987,P.559.
5Thailand-Anti-Dumping Duties on Angles.Shapes and Sections of Iron Or Non-Alloy Steel and H-Beams from Poland,Report of the Appellate Body,WT/DS122/AB/R,paras.7.258-7.283.
6United States-Anti-Dumping Measures on Certain Hot-Rolled Steel Products from Japan,Report of the Ap-pellate Body,WT/DS184/AB/R,paras,216-234.
7European Communities-Anti-Dumping Duties On Malleable Cast Iron Tube or Pipe Fittings from Brazil,Report of the Panel,WT/DS219/R,para.7.366,paras.188-191,192.
9Negotiating Group on Rules-Anti-Dumping:Illustrative Major Issues-Paper from Brazil;Chile,Colombia,Costa Rica,Hong Kong,China,Israel,Japan;[…]Switzerland,Thailand and Turkey,26/04/2002,TN/RL/W/6,3,pp.7-8,p.5,p.2,pp.1-5,p.2.
10Negotiating Group Oil Rules-Identification of Additional Issues under the Anti-Dumping and Subsidies A-greements-Paper Submitted by the United States,06/05/2003,TN/RL/W/98,p.2.