
VOC控制与农药科技创新思路的调整(英文) 被引量:1

VOC Control and Development of Agrochemical Formulations
摘要 VOC(挥发性有机化合物)的局部和短期的环境行为,即为其中被列为危险化学品的那部分VOC品种,由于其挥发在环境中所引起的急性中毒、慢性中毒、爆炸事故等。VOC的宏观和长期的环境行为为其进入大气后与氮氧化物在光照下发生光化学反应,产生臭氧造成大面积区域性大气污染。大部分的VOC都能发生这种光化学反应,形成光化学污染,而且随时间的迁移而增加。加利福尼亚州经过10年对5个区域VOC形成的致因的调查与研究表明,农药的应用也是一大原因。经过10年准备,加州环保局提出了大量证据,并通过地方立法,决定于2005年10月1日起,对进入加州的农药产品实施VOC控制,颁布了新的注册登记、市场准入的一系列法规。2007年1月1日,加利福尼亚环保局提出控制农药VOC含量因采取的措施:(1)建立农用化学品VOC含量20%的上限;(2)对已有的200个液体农药重新评估;(3)制定有关熏蒸剂的法规:(4)提高审核农药标签和应用许可证的标准。对VOC的控制将会是环境保护的一个发展趋势,因此我们对此要有足够的重视。在农药的开发中尽量不要开发低沸点或易挥发的制剂,而熏蒸剂也将不受欢迎。在农药液体制剂的开发中要考虑以下几个方面:(1)对水溶解性低且在水中稳定的液体活性物质,首选剂型为EW;(2)对水溶解性低且在水中稳定的固体活性物质,首选剂型为SC;(3)对于EW,重溶剂比轻溶剂好;(4)不鼓励发展ME制剂;(5)SC对环境和食物安全的不利影响可能和EC制剂一样。控制VOC的用量,开发环保制剂也是当今农药创新的一个重要内容。 After 10 years' preparation, California Environment Protection Agency finally put forward a lot of scientific evidence to make VOC control in agrochemical products enter into California' s local bill. Sales and use of the agrochemical products containing more than 20% VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) would be prohibited by the law from Oct 2005 on. This law attracted a great attention from agrochemical field all around the world. All multinational agrochemical corporations began to adjust their way of developing agrochemical formulations. This indicated that the government not just concerned about the harmful effects of agrochemicals on water, soil, plants, wildlife, etc., but also started to concern about the air pollution caused by VOC from agrochemicals. It is further believed that the VOC control will be a trend of regulatory measure that will be taken by other countries.
出处 《世界农药》 CAS 2008年第A01期1-5,共5页 World Pesticide
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  • 1Randy Segawa, Jay Schreider, Ph.D. California's Regulatory Program for Pesticide in Air. Washington Pesticide Incident Reporting and Tracking Review Pane Meeting, February 15, 2007.
  • 2Randy Segawa. Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Pesticides, March 2005.
  • 3Department of Pesticide Regulation, California, EPA, Estimation of Volatile Emission Potential of Pesticides by Thermogravimetry, September 2,2005.
  • 4Department of Pesticide Regulation, California, EPA. To help you determine whether your pesticide product is "intended for use in California on at least one agricultural or commercial structural use site." April 4, 2005.
  • 5Depatment of Pesticide Regulation, California, EPA. New Data Requirement for Liquid Agricultural and Liquid Commercial Structuraluse Pesticide Products: Volatile Organic Compound Emission Data. California Notice, 2005-07
  • 6Department of Pesticide Regulation, California, EPA. VOC Data Call-in Reevaluation List of Products Proposed for Cancellation Pursuant to FAC Section 12825(h), June 23, 2006.
  • 7Department of Pesticide Regulation, California, EPA. List of Exempt Compounds. (40CFR51.100(s), revised as of July 1, 2003. )
  • 8Department of Pesticide Regulation, California, EPA.Memorandum, July 18, 2006.
  • 9Department of Pesticide Regulation, California, EPA. Memorandum, Feb. 7, 2005.
  • 10Department of Pesticide Regulation, California, EPA.Memorandum, Jan.7, 2002.










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