
大学专业英语写作零课时教学实证研究 被引量:6

A Positivist Study of Zero-Class-Hour Approach to the Teaching of Writing to English Majors in Universities
摘要 写作零课时教学是一种融合了自主学习和过程结果写作法的教学方法。将该教学方法运用于实际教学,通过对87名来自3个班的受试者进行一学期的实验,结果表明写作零课时教学没有影响学生的写作能力,学生对于零课时的态度也有较大转变,赞成人数由学期前的47%上升到期末的63%。绝大多数学生对于以培养自主性为目标的写作零课时本身以及写作零课时的各个环节,如收集资料、小组讨论等持有肯定态度;不满意的原因主要是自身的自主性不强和写作零课时实施环节所出现的问题。 Zero-class-hour approach to writing is a combination of the process of writing and the product writing which aims at promoting learner autonomy. The one-semester-long study, which involved 87 students from three classes, shows that the approach did not influence students'writing performance. An analysis of the questionnaire data revealed that the number of students who were for the approach increased from 47% at the beginning of the semester to 63% at the end of the semester. The majority of the students held a positive attitude towards the approach itself, but was not satisfied with the various problems which popped up at the implementation stage.
出处 《贵州教育学院学报》 2008年第10期5-9,共5页 Journal of Guizhou Educational College(Social Science Edition)
关键词 大学专业英语 写作零课时 学习者自主 过程结果写作法 学生态度 College English Zero-class-hour Approach to Writing Learner Autonomy Process-Product Approach Learner Attitude
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