
换工作对收入水平和收入增长的影响 被引量:18

Turnover and Income Growth in China's Urban Labor Market
摘要 本文利用中国社会科学院2002年的CHIPS数据,分析了换工作对于劳动者收入水平和收入增长的影响。本文通过控制初始的收入水平来解决异质性的影响。结果表明,对于初始收入水平较低的样本,换工作对其收入有正的影响,而对于初始收入较高的样本,换工作则有负的影响。如果直接考察换工作对于收入增长的影响,给定初始收入和其他特征,换工作对于收入增长的平均影响是正的。不仅如此,换工作对于低收入者的收入增长有较大的正的影响。 This article uses the 2002 wave of CHIPS data to investigate the effect of labor turnover on income and income growth. This article overcomes the heterogeneity problem by controlling the lagged income. We find that labor turnover have positive effect on the income of those with lower initial incomes, The effect is negative, however, for those with higher initial incomes. On average, the effect of labor turnover on income growth is positive. The positive effect is larger and more significant for those with lower initial income.
作者 邢春冰
出处 《南方经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第11期70-80,共11页 South China Journal of Economics
关键词 换工作 收入 收入增长 Labor Tumover Income Determination Income Growth
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