Objective To investigate the applicability of the digitized standard of GC - MS characteristic fingerprint in GC. Methods The GC - MS and GC were used to analyze the essential components of thirteen batches of Amomum villosum samples. The digitized standard of characteristic fingerprint of Amomum villosum essential oil was compared with the result of the samples detected by GC - MS and GC. Results Ten essential characteristic components have been identified in thirteen batches of Amomum villosum samples, and their relative content was (88.15 ±2.97)% , which are the representative components. The main components were α - pinene, camphene, β - pinene, β - myreene, limonene, linalol, camphor, isoborneol, borneol and borneol acetate. With the ten components as indexes, the sample similarity calculated by cosin method was 0. 994 - 1. 000 when analyzed by GC - MS and GC, 0. 978 - 0. 999 when analyzed by GC -MS and the digitized standard of GC -MS characteristic fingerprint, and 0. 986 -0. 998 when analyzed by GC and the digitized standard of GC - MS characteristic fingerprint. Conclusion The digitized standard of GC - MS characteristic fingerprint of Amomum villosum can be used in GC, which will ensure the comparison of results obtaining at different time by different types of machines, on different chromatographic columns and under different conditions. The method can be used for quality evaluation of Amomum villosum.
Traditional Chinese Drug Research and Clinical Pharmacology