
技术使用者:技术哲学应该关注的一个对象 被引量:5

The Users of Technology: the Subject We Should Pay Attention to in the Study on Philosophy of Technology
摘要 技术存在的方式在于被使用,只有在使用这一人类实践活动中,才能彰显技术的意义、释放技术的功能并延续技术的生命。技术使用的主体——使用者——无疑是技术与社会关系网中的重要网结,但长期以来,人们主要是用生产话语来解析使用,过度弘扬了生产者和消费者的主体功能,从而造就了消费异化的图景。在技术已经奏响时代最强音、技术论已经聚焦于技术扩散阶段的现代语境下,技术哲学有必要拓展自己的空间,把技术使用者纳入自己的研究视野,有必要认真地解读技术使用活动。 The existent mode of technology is to be used by human beings, and only in tne practical activities of using can we highlight the meaning of technology, realize the function of technology and continue the life of technology. Undoubtedly, the users who are the subjects for the application of technologies are the basic nodes of the network in the relation between technology and society. However, the use of technology was discussed mainly by productive discourse for long and the role of producer and consumer in the discussion was overestimated, thus alienating the consumption from its true meaning. Nowadays the technology has been emphasizing as the most important thing and the philosophy of technology has been focusing on the modern context in technological diffusion phase, the philosophy of technology has the necessity to extend its own space where the technology users come into its visual field for interpreting the activities of using technologies.
作者 陈凡 陈多闻
出处 《东北大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2008年第6期471-475,共5页 Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)
关键词 技术使用者 技术消费 技术哲学 users of technology consumption of technology philosophy of technology
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