
炼钢车间现场数据采集系统的分析与设计 被引量:3

Analysis and design of data-acquisition system in workshop spot of BOF
摘要 通过分析转炉炼钢车间自动化建设基本完善与企业管理层信息化程度不高之间的矛盾,设计数据采集系统,搭建自动化生产与管理的桥梁,实现车间生产与企业管理信息一体化。该系统实现了转炉炼钢车间基于OPC协议的生产监控实时数据采集,采用可扩展标记语言(XML)技术封装数据,并设置二级防火墙保证生产网络与管理网络安全,最终使用TCP/IP协议将数据安全传输到管理层。该系统已成功应用于江苏永钢生产运行综合管理系统,为管理层优化生产提供可靠数据。 Analyzing contradiction between the automatization establishment of the basic oxygen furnace (BOF) steelmaking which has ahnost finished and the low informationization extent of the enterprise management, Data acquisition svstem was designed. A bridge was upbuilt over the automatization of production and management by the system, and the information of steelmaking workshop and enterprise management to be integrated was realized. Real-time data samplings based on OPC protocol of BOF steelmaking were realized. XML was used to structure data. Aimed at ensuring the security of the production and management network, duplicated firewall, was set in Ethernet and remote data transmission based on TCP/IP. The data acquisition system has been applied to JiangSu YongGang Production Run Integrated Management System successfully, which provides management with credible real-time data to optimize the production.
出处 《机电工程》 CAS 2008年第11期35-37,56,共4页 Journal of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering
关键词 数据采集 OPC 可扩展标记语言 网络冗余 防火墙 data acquisition OLE for process control( OPC ) extemsible markup language ( XML) network redundancy tirewall
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