
全球海龟资源和保护概况 被引量:8

Resources of Sea Turtles in the World and their Conservation
摘要 世界现存海龟仅2科6属7种,都属国际濒危物种。生物界很难找到像海龟—类受到众多世人强烈关注的动物了,国际上亦十分重视海龟的保护工作,不仅专门成立了海龟专家小组(MTSG),制定了许多国际公约,定期出版《海龟通讯》(MTN)等期刊,还成立了一些影响力广泛的国际组织,并经常召开一些与海龟保护相关的国际会议,掀起了全球范围的拯救海龟大行动。本研究概述了海龟资源现状、致危因素、国际保护措施及成果。近年来全球海龟资源总量呈直线下降趋势,海龟面临的主要生存威胁有:渔业副获、直接捕食、沿海经济发展、环境污染与疾病、全球变暖等。最后,简要介绍了海龟重要的经济、科研、观赏、文化和生态价值,并呼吁全人类共同保护海龟。 Only 7 species in 2 families and 6 genera of sea turtles survived in all the world, all listed in the international endangered species list and it was difficult to find any other animals attracted so strong attention of human than them. The international community paid serious attention to their conservation, set up Marine Turtle Specialist Group ( MTSG), developed a number of international conventions, published "Marine Turtle Newsletter" (MTN) regularly, established international organizations of wide influence and held international conferences regularly for action of rescue sea turtles over the globe. In this paper, resources of sea turtles, endangered factors,international protection measures and achievements were reviewed. In reeent years, resources of sea turtles were still in a trend of deeline; main endangered factors were fishery impacts;direct catching, coast economic development; environmental pollution, marine turtle diseases and global warming.The eeonomie, scientific, ornamental, eultural and ecological values of sea turtles were briefly introduced.
出处 《野生动物》 2008年第6期312-316,共5页
基金 广东省科学技术厅项目(编号2005B33201003;2005B60301012;2006B60101011,B200613G11)
关键词 海龟 濒危 海洋渔业 资源保护 Sea turtle Endanger Conservation Resource
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