

Review:Ruminant snow- urine analysis:a Comparative Survey of Three Indices on their Utilization to Evaluation of Nutritional Status
摘要 基于以往的综述和研究性文章,本文对通过尿液分析评价反刍动物营养状态的3个指数进行了讨论和比较:相对于A:C比值而言,U:C比值不能够反映不同年份动物的营养限制情况,A:C比值和U:C比值均会因随机抽样的原因导致对动物营养状态的过高或过低估计,在一些物种中A:C比值不如PD:C灵敏。并对这些指数在今后研究中的应用进行了初步探讨。 Based on previous reviews and original researches, three indices used in evaluating ruminant nutritional status through urine were discussed and compared to urine, supported by creatinine ' s correction effect. Advantages and disadvantages of the indices were demonstrated: compared with A: C ratios, U: C ratios failed to indicate any difference in nutritional stress among winters; both A: C ratios and U: C ratios might cause over or under estimation of ruminant nutritional status, because of random sampling; in some species A : C showed less sensitivity than PD: C. Also trends of future utlization of indices was prospect initially.
出处 《野生动物》 2008年第6期324-328,共5页
关键词 雪尿 反刍动物 嘌呤衍生物 尿素氮 肌酐 Snow - urine Ruminant Purine derivatives Urea nitrogen Creatinine
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