
社会资本视域中的女性贫困问题 被引量:5

On the Poverty of Women:From Social Capital Perspective
摘要 社会资本的缺失是造成女性贫困的一个重要原因。当前我国贫困女性的社会资本的特点是社会网络规模相对狭小、社会网络差异小、社会资本存量匮乏、初始位置低。从社会资本的视角来看,对贫困女性的反贫困治理需从三方面着手,即:提高贫困女性的社会地位;扩大贫困女性的社会支持网络;增加贫困女性的社会资本存量。 Lack of social capital is the main cause leading women to poverty. Poor women' s social capital is characterized by relatively small social network, small differences in social network, low social capital volume and low initial social position. From social capital angle, the countermeasures for dealing with women poverty could be taken from three aspects, which are promoting poor women' s social position, extending their social network and increase their social capital volume.
作者 黄宁莺
出处 《福建师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第6期23-27,共5页 Journal of Fujian Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
关键词 社会资本 贫困女性 社会网络 组织 the poverty of women, social capital, social network
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