

DSM Nutritional Products launches a new Omega-3 powder for infant nutrition
摘要 近期,帝斯曼营养产品部推出了可用于母婴营养最理想的ω-3鱼油粉。这种新ROPUFA‘10’n-3INFS/SD粉剂所含DHA(二十二碳六烯酸)和EPA(二十碳五烯酸)达到了婴儿配方奶所需的完美平衡,完全满足婴儿营养食品行业设立的高标准要求。 DSM Nutritional Products recently launched new Omega- 3 fish oil powder to date for maternal and infant nutrition.This new formulation,ROPUFA~‘10’n-3 INF Powder S/SD, contains the ideal balance of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) for infant formula.It is odorless and tasteless,and it is ideally suited to meet the highly demand- ing standards set by the infant nutrition industry. A common problem of some Omega-3 products is that they can have a‘fishy’taste.This is often the result of fish and algal-derived oils having oxidised.After years of research and testing,the formulation of ROPUFA~‘10’n-3 INF Powder S/SD is so advanced that it does not absorb oxygen.As a consequence,it is by far the most stable formulation on the market,as well as being tasteless. The powder also disperses easily in water without settling, and is readibly broken down by gastric enzymes.All these characteristics make ROPUFA~ ‘10’n-3 INF Powder S/SD an obvious solution to providing the necessary nutritional balance of Omega-3 in baby milk formulas without adversely affecting infants' digestion. Manfred Eggersdorfer,Senior Vice President Research & Development,DSM Nutritional Products,comments: 'ROPUFA~ ‘10’n-3 INF Powder S/SD raises the bar in terms of the product attributes customers should expect when purchasing micronutrients.Moreover,we haven' t modified the fish oil (which is the base for the manufacturing of the powder) either enzymatically or chemically,so our formulation remains natural and true to its origin.This ensures delivery of the maximum nutritional benefits.' Krijn Rietveld,Senior Vice President of DSM Nutritional Products' Nutrition Innovation Group,adds:'ROPUFA~ ‘10’ n-3 INF Powder S/SD represents a notable breakthrough for DSM and the entire omega-3 oil industry.We hope it will become the industry standard in Omega-3 for maternal and infant nutrition.'
出处 《中国食品工业》 2008年第11期10-10,共1页 China Food Industry
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