
SnO2基薄膜气体传感器制作与敏感性测试 被引量:2

Preparation of SnO2-based thin film gas sensor and test of the sensitivity
摘要 在现有的粉末烧结型SnO2基气敏传感器基础上研制了薄膜型SnO2基气体传感器,以抛光的丽热石英玻璃为基片,真空磁控溅射50~70nm厚度的SnO2薄膜,在SnO2薄膜上分别溅射不连续的ZnO、Al2O3、CeO2、InO2等薄膜,传感器背面溅射30μm的Ni80Cr20电阳合金作为传感器加热电阻,用薄膜热电偶测量传感器工作温度。测试了不同的复合瞑对传感器灵敏度和选择性的影响,并对传感器的吸附与解吸速度进行了测试,薄嗅传感器达到相同灵敏度所需的工作温度比粉末烧结型传感器下降100~150℃,吸附解吸速度比粉末烧结型快。 SnO2-based thin film gas sensor was developed based on the existing powder slugtype SnO2 vacuum magnetron sputtering method, SnO2 sensors. With film with thickness of 50-70nm was deposited on the polished quartz Pyrex substrate firstly. Then uncontinuous ZnO,Al2O3,CeO2,InO2 films were deposited on the SnO2 film Ni80Cr20 resistance alloy with thickness of 30μm was deposited on the back of the sensor as heating resistor Working temperature of sensor was measured with film thermal couples. Effects on sensitivity and selectivity caused by different complex films were studied, and velocities of absorption and desorption were surveyed, show that the working temperature of The test results the thin sensor designed is 100-150℃ lower than those of powder slugtype sensors in the same sensitivity , and velocities of absorption and desorption are increased.
出处 《传感器世界》 2008年第11期18-21,共4页 Sensor World
关键词 薄膜气体传感器 SnO2烧结型气敏传感器 真空磁控溅射 thin film gas sensor powder slugtype SnO2 sensor vacuum magnetron sputtermg
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