
热休克蛋白110的研究进展 被引量:1

Advances in the Studies of HSP110
摘要 热休克蛋白是一种由应激环境引起的合成量增加的高度保守的蛋白质.人们按分子量大小将热休克蛋白分为以下几个家族:小分子热休克蛋白、HSP40、HSP60、HSP70、HSP90、HSP110等.热休克蛋白110是热休克蛋白70家族的一个分支,在一系列细胞活动中有重要作用,是一个由不同种类蛋白构成的分子伴侣家族,主要被发现在真核细胞的细胞质中.HSP110家族成员是有效的分子伴侣,可以防止蛋白质聚集,在HSP70存在的情况下,帮助热变性的蛋白质再折叠.随着人们对HSP110研究的不断深入,其在肿瘤治疗和预防中的意义已经引起广泛关注,成为近年来研究热点之一. Heat shock proteins (HSPs) are a set of highly conserved proteins that are induced in response to environmental stress, and are classified into several families on the basis of their apparent molecular weights, such as HSP110, HSP90, HSP70, HSP60, HSP40 and HSP27. HSP110 is one of major heat shock protein of eukaryotic cells and is diverged relative of HSP70 family. HSP110 have been shown to play essential roles in a variety of cellular activities. HSP110 proteins constitute a heterogeneous family of abundant molecular chaperones, related to the HSP70 proteins and exclusively found in the cytosol of eukaryotic organisms. HSP110 family members are described as efficient companions, preventing the aggregation and assisting the refolding of heat - denatured model substrates in the presence of HSP70. With the progress of research in this field, it has risen extensive attentions of the application of HSP110 in the therapy and prevention of tumors, and HSP110 becomes one of the most active research field.
机构地区 嘉兴学院医学院
出处 《嘉兴学院学报》 2008年第6期15-17,73,共4页 Journal of Jiaxing University
关键词 分子伴侣 HSP110 免疫治疗 molecule companion HSP110 immunity therapy
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