
布什政府信息公开政策的变化、影响及其启示 被引量:3

Changes and Impacts of Information Policies in the Bush Administration
摘要 2001年以来,布什政府制定了一系列相关的政府信息公开政策,具有明显的变化特征。布什政府信息公开政策的执行,导致了机密信息增加、公开信息减少、信息公开申请延误、行政机关缺乏回应;布什政府信息公开政策在增强国家信息安全保护的同时,限制了政府信息的公开和取用,对公民权利、民主参与、政府威信、科技和教育、政府信息资源的开发利用等造成了较大的影响。布什政府信息政策的变化与影响带给我们许多有益的启示。 The Bush administration has created a series of government information policies since 2001,which has distinctive characteristics of policy changes.The implementation of these information policies resulted in the increase of secret information,decrease in information openness,request excessive delay,and lack of responsiveness.While enhancing national information security,the Bush administration's information policies have limited openness and access to government information,and influenced the right of citizen,democratic participation,government prestige,scientific and educational,and exploitation of government information.The changes and impacts of information policies of the Bush administration will give some inspiration to Chinese Government.
作者 罗春荣
出处 《中山大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第6期161-169,共9页 Journal of Sun Yat-sen University(Social Science Edition)
基金 教育部重大攻关项目《信息技术与大都市政府管理体制创新研究》(项目编号:05JZD00023) 中山大学“985”工程二期项目《公共管理与社会发展研究》(项目合同号:05JZDH0023)
关键词 信息政策 政府信息公开 信息政策影响 布什政府 information policy information access information openness FOIA the Bush administration
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  • 1Ashcroft, John. 2001, Memorandum for Heads of All Federal Departments and Agencies, http ://www. usdoj. gov/oip/ 011012. htm.
  • 2Reno, Janet, 1993. Memorandum for Heads of All Federal Departments and Agencies, From : Janet Reno, Attorney General, Subject : the Freedom of Information Act. October 4,1993, Office of the Attortney General, U. S. Department of Justice. http ://www. usdoj. gov/oip/foia_updates/Vol_XIV_3/page3. htm.
  • 3The Patriot Act of 2001. H.R. 3162. http://epic. org/privacy/terrorism/hr3162. pdf.
  • 4Bush, George W. Presidential Records Act Executive Order, Further Implementation of the Presidential Record Act Executive Order. Executive Order 13233, 2001.
  • 5Hensen,Steven L. The President's Papers Are the People's Business. The Washington Post, December 16,2001. B1 ,B5.
  • 6Card, Andrew H. Memorandum for Heads of AU Federal Departments and Agencies, From: Andrew H. Card, JR. Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff, Subject : Action to Safeguard Information Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction and Other Sensitive Documents Related to Homeland Security. March 19, 2002, http://www. usdoj. gov/oip/foiapost/ 2002foiapost10. htm.
  • 7Guidance on Homeland Security Information Issued. FOIA Post 2002. March 21,2002 Department of Justice, Washington, DC. http ://www. usdoj. gov/oip/foiapost/2002foiapost10. htm.
  • 8Homeland Security Act of 2002, Public Law 107 - 296, Nov,25,2002.
  • 9Homeland Security Law Contains New Exemption 3 Statute. FOIA Post 2003. 1. 27, 2003. Department of Justice, Washington, DC. http ://www. usdoj. gov/oip/foiapost/2003foiapost4. htm.
  • 10Critical Infrastructure Information Regulations Issued by DHS. FOIA Post 2004. Feb. 27, 2004. Department of Justice, Washington, DC. http://www.usdoj. gov/oip/foiapost/2004foiapost6. htm.











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