
AODV路由协议中负载及能量均衡技术 被引量:4

Research on load and energy balance technology in AODV routing protocol
摘要 文章对目前无线网络在负载及能量均衡方面改进的几种主要措施进行了研究,提出了一种在路由过程中均衡负载及能量使用的方法;该方法将路由节点按网络负载情况和剩余能量的大小分为几个状态,然后根据节点状态以不同方式响应路由请求;通过NS-2环境进行仿真实验,发现使用该技术改进的AODV路由协议在环境相同的情况下,网络拥塞状态及能量的使用状况比没有使用该方法的网络有所改善。 Several major improvement techniques in load and energy balance are analyzed, and a new routing technique for balancing the load and energy in the network is raised. In this technique, the nodes are divided into several different states according to their load information and energy level, and then the nodes response the routing requests in different ways on the basis of the node states. Simulation results based on the Ns-2 environment show that compared with the original edition AODV routing protocol, the network congestion and the usage of the energy in the network of same situation are improved by this technique.
作者 沈明玉 孙伟
出处 《合肥工业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第11期1798-1800,共3页 Journal of Hefei University of Technology:Natural Science
关键词 AD HOC网络 AODV路由协议 负载均衡 能量均衡 ad hoc network Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector(AODV) load balance energy balance
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