The inner economic differences of northwest China are obvious, and the original cause of economy differences derive from the differences of national structure. Although it was ever believed the second industries such as resources, raw materials have reasonal generality in the Northwest, and extend the economic structure system of east China in the Northwest, the traditional minority economy which reflects the regional character of economy makes the clear regional differences. So far as the economic development of this area, the conformity of regional economy will lead to the great economic subability, and it is also the best way of bringing about the sustainable, stable development of region economy. The economic regional structure of northwest China comes from the regionalities of the first industries and the third industries. At the present time, we should fully excavate the economic subabilities of national cultures, and not pursue blindly the economic modernization, and lead to the loss of the subabilities of the regional division of labour and the regional competition which the regional charater and minority character give us.
Yunnan Geographic Environment Research
Regional Ideas
Regional Structures
Economic Subabilities of National Cultures
Northwest China