
单管道多油品顺序运输调度优化 被引量:1

Optimal Scheduling of Multiproduct Pipeline Transportation System
摘要 管道运输可将成品油从炼油厂输送到靠近市场的分销中心(省市级油库)。典型的输油管道通常是一根连接多个分销中心与一个炼油厂的长距离管道,输送过程中油品之间不加任何分离装置,实现多油品顺序运输,因此,油品的运输顺序以及运输规模应当合理安排,以便在有限的资源约束下最大限度地满足市场需求。本文对这类管道运输问题构建了连续时间MILP数学模型,对前人的研究结论进行了改进;通过对问题清晰、准确地描述,使管道运输调度质量显著提高;将所建模型应用于实际案例,其结果证实了模型的有效性——提高了解的质量同时使运算效率得到显著改进。 Multiproduet pipelines permit to transport large volumes of a wide range of refined petroleum products from major supply sources to distribution centers near market areas. Batches of refined products and grades are pumped back-to-back in the same pipeline, often without any separation device between batches. The sequence and lengths of such pumping runs should be carefully selected in order to meet market demands at the promised dates while satisfying many pipeline operational constraints. This paper deals with the scheduling of a multiproduct pipeline system receiving a number of products from a single refinery source to distribute them among several depots. A novel MILP continuous mathematical formulation is presented by developing the previous research. With the problem stated more clearly and accurately, the quality of the pipeline schedule is significantly improved. Moreover, a severe reduction in binary variables and CPU time with regards to previous approaches is also achieved. To illustrate the feasibility of the proposed approach, this method was applied to practical case, which involves the scheduling of a single pipeline carrying four oil derivatives from an oil refinery to five distribution depots. Compared with previous work, better solutions were found at much lower computational time.
出处 《系统工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第9期43-49,共7页 Systems Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(70773091 70121001)
关键词 多油品运输管道 调度 MILP模型 连续时间方法 Multiproduct Pipeline Scheduling MILP Formulation Continuous-time Approach
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