
旋转浇注法制备AZ91D半固态浆料 被引量:11

Preparation of Semi-solid AZ91D Alloy Slurry by Rotary Pouring Method
摘要 采用旋转浇注法制备AZ91D合金半固态浆料,获得了符合金属半固态加工要求的细小、近球状的非枝晶组织。研究表明,适当降低浇注温度、提高旋转管转动速度或采用合适的倾角,半固态组织的初生相颗粒会变得细小、均匀和圆整。在本试验条件下得到的优化工艺参数:浇注温度为630℃,旋转管转速为75r/min,旋转管倾角为25°。 The semi-solid slurry with fine near-spheroidal structure of AZ91D alloy was prepared bya rotary pouring method.The results reveal that the primary phase particles with distributed fine spheroidal in semi-solid structure can be presented with decreasing the pouring temperature and increasing rotating velocity of the duct as well as choosing proper declined angular.The desirable semi-solid microstructure can be obtained with pouring at 630 ℃ and rotating at 75 r/min as well as declined angle of 25°.
出处 《特种铸造及有色合金》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第11期846-848,共3页 Special Casting & Nonferrous Alloys
基金 有色金属材料制备加工国家重点实验室2007年度开放课题
关键词 旋转管 浆料制备 浇注温度 微观组织 Rotating Duct,Slurry Preparation,Pouring Temperature,Microstructure
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