
螺旋CT扫描肝血管瘤周围实质一过性异常强化的初步探讨 被引量:1

Preliminary Spiral CT Study of Transient Hepatic Parenchymal Enhancement in Hepatic Hemangioma
摘要 目的:探讨螺旋CT扫描时肝血管瘤周围肝实质一过性异常强化(THPE)征象及其产生的原因和临床意义。方法:经临床或病理证实的肝血管瘤患者248例(356个病灶)中出现THPE征象的患者60例(79个病灶),均行螺旋CT平扫及3期动态增强扫描,分析THPE征象与病灶大小及强化速度之间的关系。结果:79个出现THPE征象的病灶中53个(72.2%)为快速充填型血管瘤明显多于慢速充填型(7个,占27.8%);有60个为小血管瘤(直径≤2cm),明显多于大血管瘤(直径>2cm)的19个病灶(24%)。结论:肝血管瘤伴有THPE征象并非少见,其更容易出现在快速强化型小血管瘤中,正确认识和识别这种征象,有助于肝血管瘤的诊断及鉴别诊断。 Objective:To study the transient hepatic parenchymal enhancement (THPE) in hepatic hemangioma with spiral CT, and to investigate its causes and significance in clinical practice. Methods:Among 248 patients with 356 hemangiomas proved by clinical study or pathology, 60 patients with 79 hemangiomas showed THPE. All of these patients had tri phasic enhanced CT. The relationship between THPE and the size of lesion, the speed of intra-tumoral contrast material enhancement were retrospectively analyzed. Results: Of the 79 hemangiomas with THPE,there were 53 lesions showing rapid enhancement (72.2%) which was much more than the slow enhanced hemangioma (n=7,27.8%). 60 (76%) of the lesions had small size (d ≤2cm) ,only 19 (24%) lesions had large size (d〉2cm) (P〈0.01). Conclusion:THPE is a common finding in hepatic hemangioma,which tends to he seen in hemangioma with rapid enhancement and small size. Understanding of these unusual appearances is very important for the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of hepatic hemangioma.
出处 《放射学实践》 2008年第11期1223-1226,共4页 Radiologic Practice
关键词 肝肿瘤 血管瘤 体层摄影术 X线计算机 Liver neoplasms Hemangioma Tomography, X-ray computed
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