
企业竞争优势根源的理论述评 被引量:1

Review of the root of the competitive advantage ofenterprises
摘要 对竞争优势理论的演进进行梳理并做简要的评述,认为对竞争优势的研究呈现出一定的规律,体现了从"内外静态匹配"到"静态外生"到"静态内生","内外动态匹配"的趋势,每种流派都是在不同情境下对企业持续竞争优势基本正确的认识。在当今动荡环境下,传统的资源和能力由于其惯性制约着企业的选择,使企业难以保持动态战略适应,竞争优势来自于动态能力,即企业不断改进、更新、重构资源,形成新的功能能力,使之与外部环境相匹配。 This paper makes brief reviews on the evolution of the root of the competitive advantage theory, holds that competitive advantage theory is a course from paying attention to the static matching firm inside and outside environment, firm outside environment, firm inside environment to dynamic matching firm inside and outside environment. Each kind of theory is basically correct knowledge of sustainable competitive advantage in different context. In today's turbulent environments, it is difficult for enterprises to maintain a dynamic strategic match, because the traditional resources and capacity constrains the choice of the enterprise due to their inertia. Competitive advantage results from dynamic capacities for continuously improving, innovating, and reconfiguring resources to shape new functional competencies that align with the environment.
作者 林萍 李刚
出处 《重庆工商大学学报(社会科学版)》 2008年第5期45-48,共4页 Journal of Chongqing Technology and Business University:Social Science Edition
基金 福建省教育厅社会科学研究项目(项目编号JBS07113) 福建省社科规划项目(项目编号2008B101)
关键词 竞争优势 资源基础观 动态能力 competitive advantage resource - based theory dynamic capability
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