测定燃料中的硫醇硫含量是评价馏分燃料质量的一个重要指标。国家标准GB 1792—88规定采用手动电位滴定法测定馏分燃料中的硫醇硫,滴定过程较难控制。本文采用电位滴定法,操作简易,测量结果准确。对滴定所用指示电极银-硫化银电极的制备方法作了改进。
Mercaptan sulphur content in fuel is an important idex to evaluate the quality of fuels. In national standard, the method for the determination of mercaptan sulphur is manual potential titrimetry, hut its titration process is difficult to control. This paper describes a method for the determination of mercaptan sulphur content in distillate rules by automatic potential titrimetry. The method is simple and accurate. The preparation method of silver-silver sulphide electrode used for the determination has been improved.
Analytical Instrumentation