

New solution for device discovery and scatternet information
摘要 关键词:基于对BlueMesh协议、BlueTree协议等多种协议的分析,介绍一种新的方法来解决蓝牙标准中设备查找和散列网形成的问题。在此基础上发展形成一种新的多跳蓝牙设备查找及散列网形成协议。新的协议可以基于非常简单的本地规则就能产生高概率连通性的拓扑。通过仿真表明它的方法实现简单、快速、低开销,对照目前已有的方案有更优的性能。 This paper introduces a novel approach to the problems of device discover and scatternet formation for the Bluetooth standard based on the research of BlueMesh,BlueTree.Based on this,it develops a new protocol for device discovery and scatternet formation for multi-hop BlueTooth network.The new protocol based on very simple local rides can generate a topology,with high probability.By means of extensive NS2 simulation it shows that the solution is simple to implement,fast and require low overhead, and leads to better performance when compared to the major approaches so far proposed in the literature.
作者 乐红兵 季岩
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第34期119-122,共4页 Computer Engineering and Applications
关键词 蓝牙 拓扑 散列网形成 微微网 Bluetooth topology structure scatternet formation picnet
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