通过对铁路行业信息系统特点和铁路应用系统传输需求进行深入分析后,认为MPLS VPN虽然能提供多种安全功能,但不能真正解决铁路行业信息系统的安全可靠传输问题,因此在未来的3年~5年内铁路信息化网络中不适合大规模部署MPLS VPN,而是需要结合铁路计算机网络安全系统,运用多种网络技术才能实现应用系统的安全可靠传输和安全可控的数据资源访问。
Based on the thoroughly analysis of Railways Information System and the requirements of network transportation, MPLS VPN could not solve the problem that how the railways' IP networks provided safely transfer service and QOS for Information Systems. So, it was not suitable to deploy MPLS VPN in the IP networks in 3 or 5 years. The alternative was applying several other network technologies based on the network security platform to implement safely network transfer and security data access.
Railway Computer Application