[目的]研究土壤调理剂对大棚西葫芦生长发育及产量、品质的影响。[方法]设3个处理,分别为0(CK)、15(A1)2、5 g/株(A2),在生长期间调查植株的座果数、株高、叶绿素含量等生物学性状,始收时统计始收期、始花期,分析测定各处理西葫芦果实的总糖、还原糖、可溶性固形物、Vc含量,比较处理对西葫芦果实品质的影响,调查化瓜率、病果率、白粉病发病率、病毒病发病率、死株率等。[结果]结果表明,增施土壤调理剂使植株抗逆性增强、产量和品质显著提高。与对照相比,大棚内增施土壤调理剂使西葫芦株高增加24.4%,根系活力增加36.3%,叶面积增加25.8%,产量增加35.5%,Vc增加20.1%,差异均达到显著水平。[结论]综合比较不同处理对西葫芦生长发育的影响可知:土壤调理剂用量在25 g/株表现最佳。
[Objective] The effects of soil power application on the growth,yield and quality of squash in the arch shed were studied.[Method] The experiment designed 3 treatment,including 0(CK),15CA1),25 g/plant(A2).Some biological characteristics such as fruit number,plant height and chlorophyll content and so on were investigated during growth.Firstly harvest time and firstly bloom time were noted during the beginning harvest.Total sugar,reducing sugar,soluble solid and Vc content were determined.And death fruit ratio,attacked fruit ratio and death plant ratio and so on were investigated.[Result] The results showed that the treatments using soil power could enhance disease resistance,increase yield and improve quality of squash.Comparing with CK,the plant height was more than 24.4%,vigor of root was more than 36.3%,leave areas was more than 25.8%,yield was more than 35.5%,and Vc content was more than 20.1%.[Conclusion] Comprehensively considering the effects on the squash growth and development of different treatments,the level of 25 g/plant of soil power was the best.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences