[目的]探讨干扰素对新城疫(ND)灭活苗抗体滴度的影响。[方法]将20只20日龄雏鸡随机分成A、B、C和D(CK)组,每组5只。分别皮下注射新城疫灭活疫苗0.5 ml/羽,同时给雏鸡注射高(4单位)、中(2单位)和低(1单位)剂量的干扰素,对照组不加,检测雏鸡新城疫病毒抗体滴度。[结果]结果表明,免疫7d后,高、中和低剂量组抗体水平一致,并开始上升,3组剂量组之间无明显差异;14 d后中剂量组水平稍高,与其他3组均差异显著,呈现一定的剂量差异;21 d后3组都升高,但中剂量组抗体水平最高,对照组与其他3组均有显著差异;在免疫28 d后4个组的抗体水平均下降,但中剂量组抗体水平仍最高。[结论]干扰素可提高新城疫抗体滴度,以中剂量添加效果最好。
[Objective] The purpose was to discuss the effect of interferon on antibody tiger of ND vaccine.[Method]The testing chickens were divided into 4 groups named group A、B、C and D.Every group was five,which was treated with interferon and Newcastle disease vaccine.The dosage of interferon was divided into group of high dose,middle dose,low dose and the control group to detect antibody titer of Newcastle disease virus in chicken by using hem-agglutination inhibition.[Result]The results showed that the antibody titers at 7 day after immunity was consistent among A、B and C groups and significantly increased in high,middle and low dose of interferon group,compared with the control.But at 14 d after inoculation,the middle dose performed best among all groups and had significant difference with other 3 groups.At 21 d after immunity,the antibody titer was highest in all experimental process,but middle dose was best among the 4 groups,and CK group had distinct difference with other 3 groups.At 28 d after immunity,the antibody titer was decreasing among the 4 groups,but antibody level of middle dose was still highest than other 3groups.[Conclusion]The interferon will improve antibody titer of ND vaccine,however,the effect of appending middle dose is best.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
Antibody titer
Newcastle Disease