
基督教青少年的宗教性:以甘肃农村基督教群体为例 被引量:10

On the Religiosity of Christian Adolescents:Based on the Case of Christian Group in the Rural Area of Gansu Province
摘要 以148名基督教青少年为被试,研究了基督教青少年的宗教性。研究结果表明,(1)基督教青少年的宗教信仰的坚定性在减弱,没有表现出性别差异,出生于基督教家庭的青少年的宗教坚定性高于某个时期皈依的青少年;(2)宗教倾向包括内倾宗教、外倾个人和外倾社会等三个方面,以外在个人倾向为主,不存在性别差异,"保持宗教者"在内倾宗教和外在个人维度的得分显著高于"脱离宗教者";(3)高宗教卷入的基督教青少年在内倾宗教和外倾个人维度的得分显著地高于低宗教卷入的基督教青少年;(4)宗教倾向内部各维度间表现出显著的正相关,宗教态度的各维度与宗教卷入、内倾宗教倾向和外在个人宗教倾向表现出显著的正相关。 The present study employed 148 Christian adolescents to examine relationships of religious orientation, religious involvement and religious attitude through questionnaires among Christian adolescents based on fieldwork. The results showed that: (1) the stability of religious faith of Christian adolescents is being weakened without the manifestation of gender difference, adolescents from Christian families are much more stable in their religious faith than those who were converted into Christians in a certain time; (2) religious orientation is composed of intrinsic religious orientation, extrinsic personal orientation and extrinsic social orientation. Extrinsic orientation took priority over other orientations, without gender difference, and the score of people who are consistent with their religious orientation on the intrinsic religious orientation and extrinsic personal orientation is significantly higher than that of those who deviate from religion; (3) the score of Christian adolescents with high religious involvement on the dimensionalities of intrinsic religious orientation and extrinsic personal orientation is significantly higher than that of those with low religious involvement; (4) the relationship between each intrinsic dimensionality of religious orientation shows significant positive correlation, and each dimensionality of religious attitude and religious involvement, intrinsic religious orientation and extrinsic personal orientation are positively related too. The present paper ends with the conclusion that: Christian adolescents polarize on their religious faith, displaying no gender difference. The religious orientation of Christian adolescents consists of intrinsic religious orientation, extrinsic personal orientation and extrinsic social orientation. Extrinsic orientation takes priority over other orientations.
出处 《心理学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第11期1197-1202,共6页 Acta Psychologica Sinica
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目(批准号04JJDZH011)
关键词 基督教青少年 宗教性 宗教倾向 宗教态度 Christian adolescents religiosity religious orientation religious attitude
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