
城镇化驱动下的威海市区土地利用时空动态 被引量:8

Land Use Spatial and Temporal Dynamics in Weihai City due to Urbanization
摘要 威海市区自20世纪1980s^2000年,特别是1987年由县级市升格为地级市以后,经济快速增长,人口大量增加,土地利用格局发生很大变化。利用遥感解译成果,图示出威海市区主要土地利用转移类型的空间位置和范围,计算出威海市区土地利用转移矩阵、土地利用面积变化率和土地利用动态度等3个反应土地利用动态变化的重要指标,结合社会经济数据分析了威海市区土地利用动态变化规律和驱动力。研究结果显示,土地利用转移过程中,1980s^2000年耕地转化为城镇用地的面积最大,达3600hm2,多发生在80年代城区的西北部和东南部,其次为耕地转化为农村居民点,面积为517hm2;1980s^1995年,耕地转化为城镇用地的面积为2 999.77hm2,远远大于其他转化类型;1995年~2000年,其他建设用地转化为林地的面积最大为633.72hm2;1980s^1995年耕地、林地和草地的面积显著减少,城镇用地面积增长剧烈,增长率达168.92%,其他建设用地也有大量增长;1995年~2000年,其他建设用地、水域和农村居民点的面积显著减少,耕地面积继续减少,而林地、城镇用地和草地的面积有较大增长;1980s^1995年耕地的减少速率最大为-1.48%,而城镇用地的增长速率最快,达16.89%;1995年~2000年,耕地持续减少,但减少速率明显放慢,而林地的增长速率最快,达2.85%,城镇用地继续增长,但增速显著减弱,农村居民点用地由前期的增长变为减少。在近15年里,城镇化是威海市区土地利用格局发生变化的最重要驱动力。 From the 1980s through 2000, and especially from 1987 when the city was upgraded from county-level to prefecture-level, the economy of Weihai developed very quickly, with a rapid increase in population and dramatic changes in land use patterns. Using remote sensing interpretation and social and economic data, we illustrate the spatial position and range of the main types of land use conversion. We calculated the conversion matrix, rate of change and dynamic degree of land use, and analyzed the law and drivers of land use changes. The study results showed that from the 1980s until 1995, the area of land converted from farmland to urban land (2 999.77hm2 ) was far more than other conversion types. The next largest conversion types were farmland to rural residential land (655.01hm2), forest land to other construction land ( 633.84hm2 ) forest land to farmland (483.08hm2), grassland to farmland (443.05hm2), and rural residential land to urban land (417.67hm2). During 1995 ~ 2000, the area of land converted from other construction land to forest land (633.72hm2) was the largest of all conversion types, followed by farmland to urban land (2 999.77 hm2), farmland to forest land (483.01 hm2), farmland to grassland (443.02 hm2), and water area to farmland (330.81 hm2). From the 1980s to 1995, the area of farmland, forest land and grassland decreased markedly (by a rate of 14.84%, 12.76 %, and 9.59 % respectively), while urban land increased significantly (by 168.92 % ), and other construction land also increased (by 72.78 % ). During 1995 - 2000, the area of other construction land, farmland, water area and rural residential land decreased markedly (by 40.49 %, 27.83 %, 4.64%, and 3.34% respectively), while forest land, urban land and grassland increased (by 14.27%, 9.13 %, and 8.94% respectively). From the 1980s to 1995, the annual rate of decrease in farmland ( - 1.48% ) was the largest of all land use types, while the annual rate of increase of urban land (16.89%) was the largest increase, followed by other construction land (7.28%). During 1995 ~ 2000, the annual rate of decrease of other construction land ( -8.10% ) was the largest of all land use types, followed by water area ( - 5.57 % ). Farmland also decreased continuously ( - 0.93 % ), but the annual rate of decline slowed. The annual rate of increase of forest land (2.85 % ) is the largest among all land use types. The area of urban land increased continuously ( 1.83 % ), but the annual rate of increase slowed, and rural residential land decreased in this period ( -0.67 % ) although it had increased (0.59%) in the previous period (1980s - 1995). From this, we can see that the land use pattern in Jiaodong region changed dramatically. Overall, the annual rate and total quantity of increase in urban land were all much larger than for other types, but farmland decreased markedly. Urban expansion mainly occupied farmland, and mostly took place near the northwestern and southeastern part of the original city of the 1980s. These changes were mainly driven by terrain, site location (especially distance to sea), and policy. In nearly 15 years, urbanization was the most important driver of land use change in Weihai city.
出处 《资源科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第12期1860-1865,共6页 Resources Science
基金 科技基础条件平台项目:“地球系统科学数据共享网”(编号:2005DKA32300) 自然科学基金项目(编号:40771146) 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所知识创新工程新进所青年人才领域前沿项目
关键词 威海市区 土地利用 动态变化 城镇化 Weihai city Land use Dynamic changes Urbanization
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