The 19th century Canadian immigrant woman writer Susanna Moodie relates and interprets in her writings once and again a historic event of her time — the sensational 'Grace Marks Case'. Margaret Atwood represents these historical figures and events respectively in The Journals of Susanna Moodie and Alias Grace. This thesis probes for the reason why Atwood chose these historical materials for literary creation,the connection between the two books,and their different emphases in representing history. In The Journals,Atwood highlights Moodie's ambivalence towards her new homeland Canada,which is made a symbol of the collective unconsciousness of Canadian people; while in Alias Grace,Atwood reflects over her early credulity of Moodie's 'story' about the 'Grace Marks Case' ,and by 're-telling' the 'story' ,Atwood exposes the errors and partiality of Moodie's account. Meanwhile,through employing ingenious narrative methods and fusing the critical theories of psychoanalysis,feminism,postmodernism,etc.,Atwood demonstrates an up-to-date sense of history which contains the ideas of multiplicity and ambiguity of 'the historical fact' ,and un-attainability of 'the final historical fact'.
Foreign Literature