
高温贮运条件对矮牵牛种苗品质的影响 被引量:3

Response of petunia seedling quality to high storage temperature
摘要 研究在夏季无调温车的高温环境下,基质含水量对矮牵牛种苗贮运品质的影响。结果表明:在温度分别为25℃、35℃和基质含水量分别为80%、50%的不同处理下,矮牵牛种苗出现株高增加、干重下降、叶绿素含量下降等质量劣变问题;较低的基质含水量处理,可以减缓种苗质量劣变的程度。矮牵牛贮藏6 d后,定植成活率显著下降。随着贮藏时间的增加,现蕾时间推迟,平均花数减少,花期缩短,与不贮藏的种苗相比,贮藏4 d后出现显著差异。 The effect of water content in substrate on the quality of petunia seedlings in storage and transportation was studied under a high temperature in summer. The results showed that under the temperature of 25℃ or 35℃ and the water content of 80% or 50%, the seedlings increased in plant height and decreased in dry weight and chlorophyll content. A lower water content in substrate could alleviate the quality decline of petunia seedlings. After 6-day storage,the survival rate of the seedlings after field planting decreased significantly. With the storage time increasing, the seedlings after field planting deferred the flower-bud-appearing time and reduced the flower number and flowering period. The quality of the seedlings stored for 4 days or more differed significantly from that of non-storage seedlings.
出处 《上海农业学报》 CSCD 2008年第4期88-91,共4页 Acta Agriculturae Shanghai
基金 上海市教委"蔬菜学"重点学科建设项目(B209)资助
关键词 矮牵牛 温度 基质含水量 贮运 种苗品质 Petunia Temperature Water content of substrate Storage and transportation Seedling quality
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