
韵律结构的隐喻模式建构 被引量:3

Construction of Metaphoric Modes of Prosodic Structure
摘要 体现人际意义的韵律是有声语言的特征。对于书面语中韵律在词汇语法层面上的体现模式和特征,目前研究尚少。文章认为,书面语言自身的演化为韵律结构通过其他语言结构,特别是离散结构和阶段结构的隐喻表达提供了可能性,从而通过它本身显性的结构和其他隐性的结构来多维体现人际意义。韵律结构的模式存在着从显性结构到隐性结构的连续体。其隐喻模式往往被语法识解为离散结构和阶段结构。 Prosodic structure which originally characterizes spoken language is arguably difficult to model and understand once we turn to lexicagrammar and discourse semantics. Few scholars have attempted to tackle the problem of modeling prosodic structures in written language. The article argues that the evolution of natural language has provided prosodic structure with the feasibility of applying metaphorical representation via language structures. Language as social semiotic, due to the long process of evolution, enacts prosodic structure to be carried by other structures and thus to realize interpersonal meaning through its own explicit structure and other implicit or metaphoric structures. Hence the article postulates metaphoric modes of prosodic structures.
作者 辛志英
出处 《西安外国语大学学报》 2008年第4期37-40,43,共5页 Journal of Xi’an International Studies University
关键词 韵律 离散结构 阶段结构 韵律隐喻 prosody segmental structures periodic structures prosodic metaphor
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