
二语心理词汇的发展路径——一项历时研究 被引量:24

The Developmental Course of the L2 Mental Lexicon:A Longitudinal Study
摘要 33名英语专业的二年级本科生参加了这项历时9个月的研究。结果表明,随着受试词汇知识的增长,二语心理词汇中词与词之间的语义联系逐步增多、增强。然而对个体词的分析表明,并非所有的词汇习得都呈线性发展。了解二语心理词汇的发展规律能使我们在词汇教学中更有针对性,取得更好的教学效果。 The present study aims to investigate the process of how the L2 mental lexicon changes over time by analyzing the response patterns of the subjects. Thirty-three second-year English majors participated in the 9-month longitudinal study. The results indicate that with the increase of word knowledge, the L2 mental lexicon becomes more and more semantic. However, analysis of the behavior of individual words reveals that not all vocabulary acquisition occurs in a linear manner. Knowledge of the developmental course of the L2 mental lexicon will enable us to teach vocabulary more efficiently.
作者 张淑静
出处 《四川外语学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第6期120-124,共5页 Journal of Sichuan International Studies University
关键词 二语心理词汇 自由联想 语义反应 语音反应 L2 mental lexicon word association semantic responses clang responses
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