
论ISP信息披露义务与著作权法公共政策 被引量:2

The Liability of ISP to Disclose Subscriber's Identification and Public Policy of Copyright Law
摘要 网络服务提供商的信息披露义务在我国立法中因缺乏对正当程序、隐私及表达自由的关注而存在利益失衡的可能,而司法实践更加忽视该义务背后的公共政策,其原因是我国关于信息披露义务理论存在不完善之处。从著作权法的公共政策出发,构建利益平衡的信息披露义务,必须要确立它的民事义务属性,义务之履行须通过民事诉讼的方式,以符合程序正义的要求,而具体的条件应该关注网络用户隐私保护与言论自由的需求,同时建立违法救济制度。 The liability of ISP to disclose subscriber's identification (DSI) under China law has flaws in balance of the different copyright interest group lacking in concerning to the right of due process, privacy and free expression, and the same is the judicial practice under China court. According to the public policy of the copyright law, we can draw a conclusion that the nature of DSI is the liability of the civil law. Performing DSI through civil lawsuit and meeting the legal requirement similar to the notice-and-takedown system, can achieve to protect due process, privacy and free expression.
作者 梁志文
出处 《华侨大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2008年第4期46-52,共7页 Journal of Huaqiao University(Philosophy & Social Sciences)
关键词 网络服务提供商 信息披露义务 公共政策 ISP liability to disclose subscriber' s identification public policy of copyright law
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