探讨Windows CE下设备驱动程序的中断机制,研究如何在Windows CE.net操作系统下实现PCL-839运动控制卡的驱动程序及安装。PCL-839驱动程序采用单层流驱动,其驱动程序的开发涉及地址的映射、中断机制的实现、流驱动程序的实现,以及驱动程序的安装等方面。
Discuss the interrupt mechanism of the device driver under Windows CE.net, and study how to realize the driver and installation of PCL-839 driver control card under Windows CE.net OS. PCL-839 driver adopts single-layer stream driver, and development of its driver involves realization of address mapping and the interrupt mechanism, realization of the stream driver, as well as installation of the driver, etc.
Ordnance Industry Automation