
溶胶-凝胶包埋固定化酶的研究 被引量:2

Study of immobilization of enzymes by sol-gel encapsulation
摘要 介绍了溶胶-凝胶(sol-gel)包埋法制备固定化酶的基本过程和影响因素,着重论述了S iO2、有机改性硅胶和有机/无机杂化硅胶三类溶胶-凝胶基质材料制备固定化酶的特性和在催化反应中的应用,对溶胶-凝胶包埋法制备高性能固定化酶的发展前景予以展望。 The basic process and influence factors of immobilization for enzymes using sol-gel encapsulation method are presented. The characteristics of immobilized enzymes prepared by three kinds of sol-gel matrixes including inorganic SiO2, organic modified silica gels and organic-inorganic hybrid silica gels, and their application in catalytic reaction are mostly analyzed in this review. The trend of sol-gel method used in preparation of highly active immobilized enzyme has been prospected.
出处 《应用化工》 CAS CSCD 2008年第11期1372-1375,共4页 Applied Chemical Industry
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50662004)
关键词 溶胶-凝胶 包埋法 固定化酶 二氧化硅 sol-gel encapsulation immobilized enzymes- silica
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