

The enterprise group fund centralized management practices exploration
摘要 江苏省国信集团资金集中管理采用的是“资金结算中心模式”,目前,正在积极中报组建财务公司,待条件成熟时,再转为“以财务公司为载体的结算中心模式”。结算中心组建近一年来运行情况看效果较为明显。今年1~9月份,集团资金结算中心资金结算量439亿元、结算笔数3356笔,累计吸收成员企业资金208亿元,日均调剂资金18.57亿元,集团节约利息支出6500万元,沉淀资金总额较年初减少了15亿元。下阶段,国信集团资金管理将进一步扩大资金集中范围,将控股的三级企业也纳入集中管理范围,进一步降低集团沉淀资金余额;进一步加强对资金预算、审批和使用以及结算中心日常工作管理,努力做到精细化;积极申报组建财务公司,努力做到服务专业化。通过管理精细化、服务专业化,使各成员企业从资金集中管理中得到更多实惠。 The Jiangsu Province country letter group fund centralized management uses is "the fund accounts settlement center pattern", at present, was reporting positively when the creation finance company,treats conditions are ripe, again transfers "take the financial company as the carrier accounts settlement center pattern". The accounts settlement center sets up in the recent year to move the situation to look the effect is obvious. 1 - 9, the group fund accounts settlement center fund account 43,900,000,000 Yuan, settled accounts pen several 3356 this year,the accumulation absorb the member enterprise fund 20,800,000,000 Yuan,the daily average fill a prescription the fund 1, 857,000,000 Yuan,the group save the interest to disburse 65,000,000 Yuan, the idle capital total amount compare the beginning of the year to reduce 1,500,000,000 Yuan The next stage, the country letter group fund management further will expand the fund centralism scope,will control stock three levels of enterprises will also integrate the centralized management scope,further will reduce the group idle capital remaining sum; Further strengthens to the fund budget, the examination and approval and the use as well as the accounts settlement center routine work management, achieves the fine refinement diligently; Reported positively the creation finance company, achieves the service specialization diligently. Through manages the fine refinement,the service specialization, enable various members enterprise to obtain more actual benefits from the fund centralized management.
作者 刘世国
机构地区 江苏省国信集团
出处 《中国经济与管理科学》 2008年第7期167-168,共2页 Chinese Economy Management Science Magazine
关键词 企业集团 资金集中管理 探索 Enterprise group Fund centralized management Exploration
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