Since 1985 We have developed 'tha thyroid cratilage-plasty' to correcd the abnomal voice in patients.From our clinical practice, We have found that the original cricothy roid approximation (i. e. thyroid cartilag-plasty type Ⅳ). For correcting tha overlow pitch because of Vocal cord relaxation being more or less limited in therapeutic efficacy various segrees of lowering of pitch have been encountered in some cases post such operiation.so, we modify the original cricothyroid appreximation as follows: to separate the lower end of thyrohyoid musele from tha attached pert of thyroid cartilage plate and stretch it down wards, bing sutured with cricod cartilage (membrane) after the suture and ligation of cricoid thyroid cartilage. By this, the degree of shortening of the cricoid-thyroid distance could be increased 12 cases were operated on by using this modified technique and followed up for 1 year. The therapeutic effect was stisfactory.
Journal of Shantou University Medical College