
服务外包的空间格局:理论框架与实证分析 被引量:8

Spatial Patterns of Service Outsourcing Activities:Theoretical Framework and Empirical Analysis
摘要 全球化的推进对产业空间格局产生了深远影响。90年代中期以来,外包发展超越了制造业的范畴,服务外包成为新的商业经营模式。不同于大量文献中专注于外包的形成原因,文章以产业空间格局的决策者为视角,结合宏观因素和行业特征,构建了一个分析新时代背景下产业空间格局的框架。企业在今天必须以全球化为背景来制定竞争策略。行业特征影响到了企业竞争策略的制定,也规定了区位优势的内涵。企业竞争策略与区位优势的匹配塑造了产业的空间格局。最后,以中国服务外包为例对理论框架进行了检验。 Globalization brings about the substantial changes on locations of industrial activities, including service out- sourcing which is considered as the second stage of business outsourcing. Though there is a great body of literature on outsourcing in management which mainly focuses on reasons and business implications of service outsourcing, very little attention has been paid to spatial distributions of service outsourcing. Based on Dunning' s theory of multinational com- panies and taking macro context and industry activities' characteristics into consideration, a theoretical framework of in- dustry activities' locations has been built up in this paper. Nowadays, globalization context has to be considered to for- mulate finns' competitive strategy and characteristics of industry activities also influence finns' strategies as well as meanings of location advantages. Spatial patterns of industry activities then are the outcome of matching processes of firms' competitive strategies and location advantages. Finally, the theoretical frame of spatial patterns of industry activi- ties is tested by service outsourcing in China.
出处 《中国软科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第11期50-57,共8页 China Soft Science
基金 国家自然科学基金重点资助项目(40535027)
关键词 产业空间格局 理论框架 服务外包 spatial patterns service outsourcing theoretical framework
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